Our Green New Deal Virginia Coalition proposes to create thousands of good jobs while addressing the climate emergency and restoring Virginia’s environment. Our collective efforts will redress two of the biggest crises we face: climate change and inequity.
As part of a just transition, we are committed to putting justice at the forefront of our efforts. The following outlines the objectives for a Green New Deal Virginia:

A just and equitable 💯% renewables plan that leaves no workers or communities behind.

Clean air, water and land for all Virginians.

Large investments and job-training programs in renewables, building an energy efficient smart-grid, residential and commercial energy efficiency, & more.

Investments in local-scale agriculture in communities across Virginia.

Prioritize equitable,
affordable and
clean housing and transportation systems.

Sunrise Movement
VA Chapter Sierra Club
The Climate Mobilization
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Food & Water Watch | VA
Poor People's Campaign | Shenandoah
Virginia Interfaith Power & Light
Virginia Organizing
Center For Common Ground
People Demanding Action
Greater Prince William Climate Action
Our Revolution NoVa
Virginia Justice Democrats
Clean Fairfax
The Climate Reality Project: Northern Va Chapter
Organic Consumers Association
Citizens Regeneration Lobby
Regeneration International
Mothers Out Front
Enough is Enough
Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
350 | Fairfax
350 | Loudoun
350 | Central VA
United Parents Against Lead (UPAL)
Interfaith Alliance for Climate Justice
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League
Bridging the Gap in Virginia
Appalachian Youth Climate Coalition
Network NOVA
Together We Will Henrico
Greenbound RVA
LWCC-Liberal Women of Chesterfield County
Herndon-Reston Indivisible Science and Environment Group
Ipsun Solar
Divest RVA
Indivisible | Virginia 11
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
Virginia Youth Climate Cooperative
Tidewater DSA
Virginia Community Rights Network
Town of Blacksburg
Earth Uprising McLean
Center For Common Ground
HTS Enterprise
Commonomics USA
Scale- Sequestering Carbon, Accelerating Local Economies
Ellwood Thompson's
Climate Reality Project: Central & Southern Virginia Chapters
Virginia Democracy Forward
Center for Sustainable Communities
La ColectiVA
Slow Money Central Virginia
The Indivisible Statewide Climate Action Coalition
Community Food Collaborative
UU Church of Roanoke
Together We Will - Richmond
Richmond Food Justice Alliance
Virginia Association Biological Farming
Indivisible Roanoke​
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action
Citizens Climate Lobby
Sustain Floyd (ED AECP)
Mothers Out Front | VA
Mothers Out Front | Hampton Roads
Mothers Out Front | Richmond
Mothers Out Front | Fairfax
Richmond For All
RISE for Youth
Clean Virginia
Sunrise Movement | Williamsburg | Wm & Mary
Sunrise Movement | Charlottesville
Sunrise Movement | Fairfax
Sunrise Movement | McLean
Sunrise Movement | Richmond
Sunrise Movement | Roanoke
Sunrise Movement | Virginia
Peninusual Indivisible
Grid Alternatives
Sustainable Roanoke
Indivisible | Northern Virginia
New River Valley Green Party
Team Enough Virginia
350 Alexandria
Vine & Fig/New Community Project
Virginia Network for Democracy and Environmental Rights
The Social Education for Economic Development Initiative (S.E.E.D.)